My business opened up again and here's what happened...

After being closed for two months because of the COVID19 pandemic quarantine, I was pretty desperate to get back at it again. As soon as stage 2 in the plan to re-open California happened, I booked a twin newborns session. I typically prefer to do my newborn photography in my studio where I have access to everything I need and it's a controlled environment. However, since my studio was still closed at the time, I had to improvise and try to do my two little clients outdoors in a way that was safe from the elements and myself during this pandemic. This meant the parents had to do a lot more than I typically ask them to. They had to help wrap the babies and help position them where I needed them as I really wanted to limit my interactions with the newborns during this pandemic. I wore a face mask and gloves too and used lots of hand sanitizer. All of the wraps and props used were sanitized right before the session.

The mother of the twins, my sweet client Kaylee, really wanted the session to be held in the desert so we made it happen. I was praying in my heart that it would all go well because we had a very limited amount of time to work with during sunset. The thing with newborn sessions is that the babies don't work around us, rather, we work around the babies and how they're feeling. We have to make sure they are well and comfortable and happy at all times or it's not going to work. For about the first half of the session, my sweet little clients were totally happy as we wrapped them and they were cozy and snuggled up, which resembled how they were in the womb. They had just been fed really well right before the session. As soon as we changed them out of their swaddled wraps, all happiness disappeared LOL. They were not having it and I could literally feel how Kaylee was worried it wasn't going to work out. We proceeded and made them as comfortable as possible during the remainder of our session, with some cries here and there. As a professional photographer, I knew I had very small windows to work with and I did my job. I reassured Kaylee that they were all doing an amazing job and I was praying she could find hope in my reassurance even if at times it felt somewhat chaotic. Here's a little peek of how it turned out...

This sweet little family was amazing to work with and I am so glad I had the opportunity to capture this very special time in their lives. Pandemic going on or not, babies are still being born and precious fleeting memories need to be captured. I'm thankful I was able to capture theirs. Congratulations Tomes Family!